Thursday, October 30, 2008

5 Minute The Day The Earth Stood Still Trailer

This week a 5-minute trailer for the remake of the 1951 Sci Fi classic The Day The Earth Stood Still was released. The original tells the story tells the story of a humanoid alien visitor who comes to Earth to warn its leaders to curtail their conflicts or face devastating consequences. This new version stars Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly and something about the earth dying and our cities fading to dust.

I always think when a special "long" trailer for any film is released its because the studio distributing it knows that its not going to be a big hit unless enough of it is in peoples minds. A trailer is how a film marketed; therefore we are going to see the films basic ideas and a peek at some of the highlights such as action sequences. This is my point, this trailer showed what I imagine to be every action sequence in the film. We even got to see the new Gort, which I imagine, would be at the font of the movies action or left till the films climax. It really seems they went all out. Am I alone in thinking it look horrible? What’s it point? An alien who looks like Keanu Reeves comes to earth along with a giant robot that looks like a man in skintight spandex and giant city destroying balls!

You know instantly by looking at this that it takes its self-way to seriously, the characters are basically cartoons and everything they have to say is just so shocking. This version seems to be taking its self more seriously in terms of realism and modern day treats in an attempt to shred its self of anything people may have found cheesy about the original – if you watched, you can see they really nailed it. “It would only frighten you” as if watching you performance inst bad enough Keanu.

All said and done the trailer didn’t show exactly everything! We are still yet to see a shot of Jennifer Connelly breast, as she appears naked in a lot of her films. That to me seems like a more plausible tactic in terms of marketing than spending over a hundred million dollars on CGI.

The Day The Earth Stood Still opens Boxing Day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

TF 2 Soundwave and Ravage?

Hear is what at this stage is unconfirmed transformers 2 concept art displaying both Ravage and Soundwave. You can make up your mind weather its fake or not? Keep in mind Roberto Orci (TF writer) already said that Soundwave's alt mode is not a truck. Having said that Bay has stated many times that the production team inst releasing anything regarding the film until closer to its release date, and that allot of "leaked" information could in fact be posted by people involved with the film to trip you up.

Is it fair to say know one expected the robots in the transformers movie to look the way they did. When ever I see concept art for this movie I judge it on what we now know the transformers to look like, because lets face it, know matter how much people cry there never going to look even slights G1. I think Soundwave its always going to be at the centre of controversy when it comes to live action. He is a hugely loved characters and somewhat iconic and what helps fuel this controversy is his appearance, both alt mode and robot mode.

Soundwave transforms into a tape deck from a 30tf robot. This was always going to change, but what makes it hard is keeping some if his visual traits intact for the live action adaptation, which I think is virtually impossible. All that really matters in regards to soundwaves character is his persona and his loyalty to Megatron and of course his electronic voice. Get that down and that’s all he will need and I think that’s all he is going to be able to deliver.

If this concept art is real then I really like it. I can’t in the world imagine how he would ever look in live action. I don’t think he will be a truck as it seems to close to Ironhide and that’s going to confuse people. What i think is the coolest idea yet is Soundwave as a satellite. His Cybertron mode in the cartoon was something simular and he’s a tape deck on earth, he listens and waits. It would be cool if he had been there all along, above the earth watching over Megatron after following him to earth.

As for ravage, well imagine that thing chasing down humans, lets hope its real.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince International Trailer

Warner Bros has released an international trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince. In terms of trailers, both this and the teaser have so far been really exciting. I'm not a Potter fan but if this keeps up, ill have know choice but to see it.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince is released on the July 17th 2009.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hi-Def Spike TV 2008 Scream Awards Watchmen trailer now online.

A Hi-Def version of the somewhat altered watchmen teaser trailer, which was shown at the Spike TV 2008 Scream Awards has hit the official site. I'm sure most people have already seen this as the Internet seems to be eating up anything watchmen in hope of maybe finding more.

I must say still the only interested, well, excitement that comes from seeing these trailer is that it caries the name Watchmen.


Make sure to check out Themoviebox as a regular source of trailer and the monthly-released watchmen web Documentary’s.

Ron Howard’s Call To Action

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Another celebrity Voting video has his the internet, this time featuring everyone's favorite red head, Ron Howard. I'm never going to get tired of these celebrity messages to the public. People are either on the net or glued to there televisions most of the time and at the end of the day there message is going to help us all.

Its great that Ron Howard is able to step forth and have alittle joke with himself and us as he portays past well loved characters all in the name of change. The last half of this video half of this video will rock your world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Justice is dying in your dressing robe.

Today we see the first of the official Watchmen teaser posters. It shows an image of an event which happens at the beginning of the graphic novel in which the Comedian is murdered and pushed out the window of his apartment building. It’s an OK poster I guess? But are people really going to know what all this watchmen stuff is all about. I mean when you go to the movies you see teaser posters of iconic things like super heroes or remakes, things that most of the general public are already associated with.

Don’t get me wrong many of the images in the graphic novel are certainly iconic, I just don’t think your average person would have a clue what a Watchmen is. The poster is pretty much fan service at this stage and it will be interesting to see what other follow up until a theatrical poster. It would be fair to say, as soon as this movie hits the smiley face will be as well known as the bat symbol.