Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Justice is dying in your dressing robe.

Today we see the first of the official Watchmen teaser posters. It shows an image of an event which happens at the beginning of the graphic novel in which the Comedian is murdered and pushed out the window of his apartment building. It’s an OK poster I guess? But are people really going to know what all this watchmen stuff is all about. I mean when you go to the movies you see teaser posters of iconic things like super heroes or remakes, things that most of the general public are already associated with.

Don’t get me wrong many of the images in the graphic novel are certainly iconic, I just don’t think your average person would have a clue what a Watchmen is. The poster is pretty much fan service at this stage and it will be interesting to see what other follow up until a theatrical poster. It would be fair to say, as soon as this movie hits the smiley face will be as well known as the bat symbol.

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