Thursday, November 6, 2008

The 12 Dumbest Spider-Man Stories Ever.

Alicia Ashby over at Topless Robot has posted an article tittle The 12 Dumbest Spider-Man Stories Ever (Besides the Clone Saga)

"Fair warning: if your idea of a bad Spider-man story is when he fights a silly villain like the Hypno-Hustler, then the shit on this list is going to set your eyebrows on fire. This is a hardcore, no-holds-barred look at the absolute worst of the worst of Spider-man, and as you’ll see, the ‘80s and ‘90s and beyond let Spider-man comics get pretty motherfucking terrible. For all that Spider-man is one of the world’s most popular superheroes thanks to his combination of cool powers and everyday problems, a really bad Spider-man story is about as bad as superhero comics can get (well, until Chuck Austen is writing them). Be forewarned and forearmed with knowledge to avoid accidentally trying to read shit that will never, ever entertain you in a non-ironic way."

Take a look.

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