Friday, November 7, 2008

Last week I posted the trailer for what I think looks like a great Cg animated film, Monsters vs. Aliens.

Wired brings us a new behind the scene feature which showcases there use of cameras in 3d space to control the films action. The film is apparently been created to be shown in full 3d, which we get glimpse of towards the end of the clip.

I still think this film looks really cool, I'm a fan of B-grade movies and animation, but never seem to be to impressed by much CGI and what it achieves - given what it can. Havig said that, take alook at all the human character within the trailer. Noyice how they are all uncik, all indeivialul looking? When Disney occupied the 2d industry they were nothing but realitic and limiting, we see the same problems with Pixa film too. CG is timly and expensive, there for character models are built and then twecked to create othr miner characters, we see this in The Incredibles. Monster vs Aleins dosent seem to have taken the route

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